What Do You Do If You Cannot Afford An Attorney?
What happens if I am accused of a crime and cannot afford an attorney? What if I am in an abusive relationship and need a divorce, but cannot afford to pay a lawyer? What if my child is in trouble and I have no money?
Everyday, poor citizens in America face ongoing problems and they often lack a resolution. If you are accused of a crime and do not have money to hire a lawyer, under law, the courts are obligated to assign you criminal defense attorney to protect your rights.
Few states may include the attorney fees in the costs and fines, but for the most part, the fees are minimal. If you are in an abusive relationship and are seeking legal advice for divorce, but do not have the funds to cover the costs, then be advised that you have the right to request legal help from
Legal Aide. Your local library will more than likely have books that will walk you through the steps of divorce with forms included. The cost will be less than $200 in most states. Otherwise, you have the right to get out of the relationship and wait until you get the cash to pay for the divorce.
If you have a child who has pending criminal charges, you have the right to request a Court Appointed Attorney or else request legal advice and representation from Legal Aide services. It is wise during any situation involving courts to learn all you can about the charges, laws, et cetera or
anything pertaining to the case to stay ahead of the game. Regardless of the situation, in most cases there are always answers, and in few cases, there is a way out. If you are currently in this situation, you should seek free legal help for your problem before proceeding.
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